I work at Yuli

Yuli currently has more than 600 employees. We understand the importance of our employees to our company, and our great employees are our valuable assets, so we are committed to sharing profits with our employees. In the prestige family, we pay attention to the career development and care of employees, advocate long-termism and lifelong learning, and make progress with employees. We create a working environment full of learning and innovative pursuit, so that employees can achieve their full potential. Comfortable and safe working conditions and a friendly and enterprising team atmosphere further help employees to devote themselves to their work. Our goal is to allow every employee to not only gain material gains during the work, but also achieve spiritual personal growth and self-value realization, gain confidence and a sense of accomplishment. This is what we expect of every employee.

Post need

We also need professionals for the following positions, if you want to join Yuli, please send your resume to us.